Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BREAKING: Orientation Meeting This Saturday

 Hi Farmgirls!  Sorry for the last minute decision, but leader Maryann asks if we can have our very first orientation meeting this Saturday, at 2 PM?  We want to get together to put our monthly meetings on the calendar and begin to look at the activities we'd like to start, like
  • Sewing our membership badges,
  • Planning field trips,
  • Choosing merit badge projects
  • Swapping patterns, recipes and project ideas...
Not bad for a start.  Comment here or e-mail Maryann (sbswy11@gmail.com) to RSVP either way - we want to know you're interested even if you can't make it on Saturday. 

Farmgirl Up!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

You Know You're a Farmgirl When...

...the smell of freshly mown hay, freshly turned compost, and freshly baked muffins fill you with equal delight.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You're Going to Want One of These

When Gail starts brainstorming, it's best to get out of the way, hide in the bushes, and watch.

The other day we were casually talking about how fun it would be to make aprons out of overalls, and the next thing I know, she had picked up several pairs at the thrift shop and was off and running.  Her passion is contagious and her style is the sort they write books about.

Look what I found on my front porch today:

Check out the details, up close:

Yeah, you want one... I bet Gail will show us how.  That's the Farmgirl way!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go impress the chickens...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chapter Launch

It's almost time.

We're collecting feedback about the best day of the week, and then we'll pick a date for our Orientation Meeting. (A Friday is way out in front at the moment.) Chapter Leader Maryann has asked me to announce a few items:
  • Please go ahead and join the Farmgirls Sisterhood at the Mary Jane's Farm site before our first meeting. This gets your personal materials, including your membership number and badge, on the way.
  • Think about activities you'd like to do. Some ideas we've already had include a trip to the Cowgirl Hall of Fame in Fort Worth, Junk Shopping in some neighboring small towns, Craft Retreat at some cool B&B-type venues, small groups working on badge projects together, etc.
  • The overwhelming sentiment of the group is that this will be an adult chapter with adult-only meetings. The Farmgirl Sisterhood has options for younger ladies (Farmerettes and Young Cultivators), and these will need to be developed with separate meeting times and with adult mentors. I'd love to see this get off the ground once our Big Girl group is established. Adult Farmgirls and Young Lady Farmgirls have different needs and interests, and we want to remain sensitive to that.

Now, the next announcement will be the date and time of our Orientation meeting, so watch for that soon.