Monday, November 8, 2010

Next meeting November 12, 2010

Hi Chicks!

I can't believe it! November is just flying through our fingers! So much has happened since my last post, I'm not sure where to start.

First I apologize for the late post. I'm a good week behind after catching that icky stomach flu.

So. Now then. This next meeting is on Friday.  Rita will be chairing it since I and a few others are going to be at Kid and Ewe in Boerne, TX. This is a great fiber fest and one so many of us look forward to each year.   Farmgirls?  This just might be something you will want to get in on next year. I'm sure you too would have a blast!

Back to the meeting.
1) Let's make sure we all are signed up so we can get stitchn' on our membership badge. Let's make it a goal to have them completed for the Dec meeting (Dec. 10th)

2) The Dec meeting will be our Christmas meeting. An idea was to have a cookie exchange. Add more ideas to this and we will make a discussion sometime after Thanksgiving via this site.

3) Our badge study chicks Debbie and Jill are working on their badge (lots of reading on this one) and I'm sure they will be reporting as soon as they are finished. Can't wait! In the mean time, talk came up about a TOTAL group badge idea so we would all have a badge come the first of the year. I took this and ran with it and decided we should do an easy one for all of us, the KNITTING BADGE!! Could I get a volunteer to look up and review what we need to get started for this badge. That way all of us will have everything with us on the 10th so we can start the badge together at the meeting.

4) I'm going to get the patterns to the LRB so you Debbie will be able to code them for checking out and in.  Hopefully Gail will have a class date for us sometime in Jan.

5) Leslie? How are you doing on chapter chat with the MJ forum board?

6) Would someone take a few notes on all of this and by all means if all of you have something to add, GO FOR IT!!! I know I do and I'm sure you all do too, want to keep this group going. Already I've made new friends! That's part of what it's all about.

That should be enough for Friday and still give you time to eat, drink, talk and even knit a little!

Thanks Rita in advance for taking my place.

Would someone please take the trash and clean up a bit. Cindy is going to be at Kid and Ewe too.

Turn off the lights and have a safe drive home!!


Hen Mother